Time Crisis 4 Twin Arcade Shooting Game. Original Price: 4,000


Design Plus Gallery presents a Time Crisis 4 Arcade Game. An arcade shooting game with a unique foot pedal to take cover from enemy fire. Cinematic quality graphics bring the game to life. New to the fourth installment in the Time Crisis series are multi-screen battles and helicopter missions. Players are now guided through the three stages with the support of voice navigation. New voice navigation provides players with instructions on selecting the appropriate weapons and timing their next move. Each stage consists of a prologue and three areas. The total game play is also longer than it’s predecessor. New special weapons have been developed for the standard handgun, machine gun, shot gun & grenade. Players change weapons by pulling the trigger while they hide (pedal off).

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Dimensions 62 x 65 x 87 in



SKU: 5354-033 Categories: , , ,